Irob and the Ethio-Eritrean Border Issue: “Here We Go Again”!
By Seyoum Berhe
(State refugees coordinator)
I was enjoying my Sunday at home when a friend forwarded me a Voice of America interview conducted with ambassador Shin and Don Connell and since that moment, my Sunday did not go so well. Even though I did not hear the entire English version of Don Connell’s interview, the Tigrigna interpreter clearly stated that Dr. Debretsion told Don Connell that for the sake of true peace, he would be willing to pull out not only from Badimme but Irob areas as well. I have confidence in Ambassador Shin that he did not change his past position that the Irob people should be consulted about their future before any decision. I am not surprised that Don Connell would side with the Eritrean position as he has spent most of his adult life supporting them. My surprise is with what Dr. Debretsion supposedly is credited with as saying. (For More, CLICK HERE!)