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Irob community confronts plight, looming displacement (Addis Standard)

In-depth: Between two peace treaties: Irob community confronts plight, looming displacement

The Irob people, consisting of around 60,000 individuals, with an estimated 35,000 living in semi-arid mountainous areas, face challenges to their survival and cohesion, initially from the Algiers treaty and more recently due to failure to fully implement the Pretoria peace agreement (Photo: Irob Advocacy Association)

By Mihret G/kristos @MercyG_kirstos


Addis Abeba – Fisuh Welde, a resident of Irob district in the Eastern Zone of Tigray, has spent his entire life nestled in the northern escarpment of the Ethiopian highlands.

Like his forefathers, Fisuh and his four children have called this rugged mountainous area, straddling the Ethiopian-Eritrean border, their only home.

For centuries, the Irob people have inhabited this remote, mountainous area, primarily sustaining themselves through agriculture. Yet their resilience has been tested by a series of adversities.

Among these, the 1998-2000 Ethio-Eritrean border war and the recently concluded Tigray war, which ended in November 2022, stand out as pivotal events. (For More, CLICK HERE!)

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