As many as 600,000 civilians have died in the Tigray conflict up to the end of August, according to a new estimate from Jan Nyssen at Ghent University. Up to 200,000 people are estimated to have died from starvation and 100,000 from direct killings.
— Mark Anderson (@markc_anderson) October 19, 2022
“There’s no other situation globally in which 6 million people have been kept under siege for almost two years in #Tigray, Ethiopia,” @DrTedros said. “There is a very narrow window now to prevent #genocide.”
— GAROWE ONLINE (@GaroweOnline) October 19, 2022
As #Ethiopia’s civil war continues to rage, a worsening humanitarian tragedy has left millions in desperate need of food and medicine.
From inside #Tigray, #BBCAfricaEye investigates the human impact of one of Africa’s deadliest conflicts.#TigrayUnderSiege
— BBC News Africa (@BBCAfrica) October 17, 2022
The Eritrean government has begun a mass roundup of people to fight against the TPLF in #Tigray. Even elderly people and women are being rounded up to fight in #Ethiopia’s two-year civil war. @BBCAfrica#WorldHouse #WarIsHell
— Be A King (@BerniceKing) October 17, 2022
“We have received numerous reports of civilian casualties and destruction of civilian objects due to airstrikes and artillery strikes in #Tigray.
Indiscriminate attacks or attacks deliberately targeting civilians or civilian objects amount to war crimes.” – @UNHumanRights
— UN Geneva (@UNGeneva) October 19, 2022
Ethiopia Is Committing Genocide Against the Tigrayan People, Say Priests From Region
This is a horrific video showing #TigrayGenocide committed by the Ethiopian and Eritrean soldiers taking and shot the group of Tigrayan youth of the #mahberedegomassacre #CallItAGenocide
— Tigistii💛❤️ (@VoiceTigray11) February 19, 2022
Are war crimes allegations in Ethiopia being ignored? via @AJEnglish
— T. Baraki (@TesBara38) April 12, 2022
recently used by Amhara elites wth ties to the gov.
Ethiopian’s PM has made no public comments regarding govt soldiers’ abhorrent attacks on Tigrayan civilians across the country for 500+ days. Footage was “leaked” on the heels of growing anti-gov protests in the country.#Tigray— FoundInTranslation (@TranslateET) March 20, 2022
Tigray war mortality: half a million people? –
— T. Baraki (@TesBara38) April 1, 2022
Tigray Catholic Church criticises the Ethiopian church for failing to call for an end to the war
— Martin Plaut (@martinplaut) February 23, 2022
A GENOCIDE! has been and is still being committed against tigrayans. And world leaders still can’t call things as they are.
Enough with the ridiculous excuses. Say it for what it is, genocide! #TigrayGenocide!
🚨#CallItAGenocide #400Days!🚨
— Yohannes V🧢 (@Yohannes_v) December 9, 2021
I will keep tweeting this video every day until Tigray is free. This is what Tigray’s fight is against.
Stop #TigrayGenocide
And #CallItAGenocide— ፀረ ባንዳ 🎯 (@Great_tgray) December 9, 2021
British MP Says It’s “Time to Stop the Genocide In Tigray”@Jeremy_Hunt: “There is a genocide in happening #Tigray. What work is (@VickyFord) doing to send a message to @AbiyAhmedAli that there can be no int’l aid channeled through the #Ethiopian gov’t until the genocide stops.”
— Yonas Nigussie (@Yonigussie) November 30, 2021
A powerful statement from the Catholic church in Tigray
— Martin Plaut (@martinplaut) November 25, 2021
UN says food aid in Ethiopia’s war-torn Tigray region will run out Friday as 400,000 people face famine (CNN)
The Tigray War and Regional Implications – Volume 1
Impartial Latest News Video Gallery
— T. Baraki (@TesBara38) June 3, 2022
#Ethiopian genocidal army completely destroys Martyrs’ Memorial Monument Museum in #Mekelle. #TigrayGenocide @UNESCO @annapaolini @African_WH_Fund @UnescoEast @BBCAfrica @nimaelbagir
— Matt (@Mattewos88) July 4, 2021
Is it true all the accusations and allegations of the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Dr. Abiy Ahmed Ali, against the Tigrayan military members of Ethiopia’s Federal Defense Forces? It is so shameful and dangerous speech to hear from PM because such kind of allegations and accusations against an ethnic group could definitely instigate incurable ethnic hostility and bloodshed among the ethnically various peoples of Ethiopia! Listen carefully to the following video posted by Amhara TV and make your own conscientious judgment and conclusion! The speech of accusations and blame sounds like those anti-Semitic, Hitlerian speeches against the minority Jews of history that are now being repeated in Ethiopia against the minority of the Tigray ethnic people from where the Tigrayan military of the Federal Forces of Ethiopia comes from: Simply history repeats itself!
Aggression Against Tigrai by Abiy Ahmed (