Savagery against Ethiopians: Shame on you Saudis and Khalid bin Sultan

Tecola W. Hagos

If anyone doubts the subhuman status of Saudis, the events of three days ago, which is still in process, leaves no rooms for such doubts. The Saudi Government sanctioned brutality against Ethiopians, irrespective of their visa status, is barbaric and beyond any legal justification. I watched a video of four or five uniformed Saudi men in army fatigue brutally attacking two Ethiopians in separate events in what seems to be a garage. There was no provocation or resistance from the Ethiopians they were just simply brutally attacked dashed on a concrete floor, even being pulverized with a mounted tire and possibly murdered. What is the point in such barbarity?  I ask the abominable subhuman Saudis to explain their barbaric and murderous acts.  (For more, CLICK HERE!)

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