Letter to Tigrayan Diaspora Associations from ATAD

Dear Tigrayan Diaspora Associations,

We hope you are all doing well.

The Amhara chauvinist and fascist leader, Agegnehu Teshager, on his recent televised speech, which is attached herewith, has officially called upon all Ethiopians to act to exterminate the Tigray people. This is consistent with the rhetoric and language that the Prime Minister of Ethiopia has been using for so long now. As a result, all Tigrayans in Ethiopia are at imminent risk and many Tigrayans are already being massacred brutally in different parts of Ethiopia and particularly in the Amhara region.

In light of this, ATAD is calling on all Tigrayans Diaspora Associations to immediately start advocacy and diplomacy work and organize protests worldwide. The main focus of our messaging should be to condemn this reckless rhetoric being orchestrated by the Ethiopian Government and its cliques, and to call upon the international community to denounce this genocidal decree and act to stop it. All Tigrayan advocacy and diplomacy associations should send letters to:

· Government representatives (House Representatives, Senators, Parliamentarians) and relevant bodies of the executive branches of the government of their residency
· The UN Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).
· Amnesty International
· Human Rights Watch
· Human Rights without Frontiers (HRWF)
· UN Watch
· The European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI)
· The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), etc.

Time is of the essence. We must be racing with time.

The just resilience and perseverance of Tigray will prevail in the end!

Executive Committee, ATAD

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