Dr. Tesema Bisirat Passed Away: The Would Like to Express Condolences to the Immediate and Extended Members of His Family. Requiem Aeternam Dona Eis Domine!

By Ziade Hailu

In Memoriam of Dr. Tesema Bisirat (1943–2013)

Dr. Tesema Bisrat— Public Servant, the Philosopher, family man—died on 31st March 2013 at the age of 70 in Addis Ababa. For some time now, Tesema was not unaware of the looming prospect of personal extinction but he always maintained a brave face, ‘doing death’ in dignified style. Even when he was not feeling well, his interest in the life of the mind was always persistent. Unlike people who had their earlier trainings on leftist politics, Tesema had Marx on one hand and a Bible on the other. He considered some of Marx’s social analysis (though differed on some of the prescription offered by him) and Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount as perhaps the Greatest. Alas, his ‘gigantic’ Irob humility came in his way from developing his ideas. He was a man for whom a slightest move of ‘self promotion’ was a mortal sin. One is not sure if he would approve even of this obituary. (Click Here for More…)

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