Catholic Herald news: Ethiopian federal forces alleged to have indiscriminately shelled towns in Tigray, says rights watchdog

Ethiopian federal forces alleged to have indiscriminately shelled towns in Tigray, says rights watchdog

Human Rights Watch have called for a UN inquiry into the alleged indiscriminate shelling of urban areas in Tigray by Ethiopian federal forces.

In the first days of the conflict in November last year, artillery attacks on the city of Mekelle and the towns of Humera and Shire, hit hospitals, schools, markets and homes, According to the report. Eighty-three civilians, including children, are said to have been killed and a further 300 wounded.

“At the war’s start, Ethiopian federal forces fired artillery into Tigray’s urban areas in an apparently indiscriminate manner that was bound to cause civilian casualties and property damage,” said Laetitia Bader, HRW’s Horn of Africa director. “These attacks have shattered civilian lives in Tigray and displaced thousands of people, underscoring the urgency for ending unlawful attacks and holding those responsible to account.”

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