CARE deeply concerned about ongoing crisis in Ethiopia (

CARE deeply concerned about ongoing crisis in Ethiopia

 Emergency Response

 4th Jan 2021

Photo: Over 50,000 people have now fled conflict in Ethiopia’s Tigray region and are being hosted in Um Raquba camp and Village 8 transit centre in Eastern Sudan where CARE is providing WASH services in Um Raquba and Health and Nutrition in village 8 transit center.

(December 23, 2020) – As a humanitarian organization working in Tigray Region, Amhara and Afar, CARE is deeply concerned about the ongoing crisis throughout the region, and its impact on the lives of civilians. We are also deeply distressed and saddened by the impact on our humanitarian aid worker colleagues, some of whom have been reported to be killed during the last month while at work.

We urge respect for International Humanitarian Law and the Ethiopian constitution, including protection of civilians and the protection of humanitarian aid workers. Any deaths of civilians, as well as humanitarian aid workers, are tragedies, and we urge all parties to avoid hostilities that adversely impact these groups in any way.

While we are encouraged by recent humanitarian deliveries by the Government of Ethiopia, UN and NGO partners, we remain deeply concerned about the lack of basic necessities and services available to civilians across Tigray Region including food, water and medicines. After over 6 weeks of disruption, supplies are running dangerously low across the region. We ask the government to continue the restoration of basic services and amenities, as well as to enable unrestricted and continuous access and security for humanitarian services to resume for all Ethiopian citizens.

For More Information Contact:
Rachel Kent
Senior Press Officer

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