Associated Press: Survivor of Ethiopian Fighting Warns ‘People Will Slowly Start to Die’

Tigray women who fled the conflict in the Ethiopia's Tigray region, wait for UNHCR to distribute blankets at Hamdayet…
Women who fled the conflict in Ethiopia’s Tigray region wait for UNHCR to distribute blankets at Hamdayet Transition Center, eastern Sudan, Nov. 21, 2020.

NAIROBI – Shaken by the gunfire erupting around her town in Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region, the woman decided to get out. She joined a long line at the local government office for the paperwork needed to travel. But when she reached the official, he told her she had wasted her time.

“This is for people who are volunteering to fight,” he said.

As Ethiopia’s government wages war in its Tigray region and seeks to arrest its defiant leaders, who regard the federal government as illegitimate after a falling-out over power, the fighting that could destabilize the Horn of Africa is hidden from outside view. Communications are severed, roads blocked and airports closed.

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