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Yearly Archives: 2014

President Teshome Mulatu of Ethiopia interviewed in the USA by the Tsenat Radio

A Boat with 150 African Refugees drowns in the Mediterranean Sea

At least 150 African refugees drown 100 miles off Libyan cost in the Mediterranean Sea

Breaking News from Dawhan by Seyoum Yohannes!

Dawhan-woreda-meeting1On July 10, 2014, IDA-ISESP called for assembly in Dawhan from seven Irob tabias. Purpose of this assembly was to give recognition and awards to 60 top scoring students from grades 5-12 of Irob District. Parents, teachers, Irob Woreda Education office workers, Ato. Taddesse Hagos (Irob Woreda chairman) and the Woreda’s Cabinet had participated very eagerly and actively. (To read the full text, CLICK HERE!)

Political Power and the Art of Political Compromise by Tecola W. Hagos

“… I have studied many ethnic communities throughout the past history of the United States. None have I found that hate and disparage the governments of their respective original home countries as much as many of the Ethiopian Diasporas do, which led me to conclude that Ethiopians in general love the abstract notion of an Ethiopia, but hate and disrespect the concrete Ethiopians right next to us…” (Tecola W. Hagos).
To read the full Article, CLICK HERE!

Tragedies and Never-Ending Problems of the People Continue in Erob Woreda, Tigray, Ethiopia

First, here at, we would like to express our deepest sorrow and words of consolations to the mournful Irob families who lost their loved ones as well as to the entire Irob people who have been deeply affected by losing their relatives and friends in a terrible transportation-vehicle-accident occurred on May 31, 2014 in the Irob Woreda, located in the northeastern Tigray, Ethiopia. According to the various source of information received through mobile phone-calls, an Isuzu truck carrying some grain or commodities from the marketplace and overcrowded number of people (30-40) was heading towards Aiga when it rolled backward unable to climb up the dusty-hill-road ending up in a disastrous-down-hill cliffs along with the overcrowded passengers causing horrific fatalities of 11 people and serious injuries to other survivors. (To read the full text, CLICK HERE!)

Water-Well (#6) of Wankabo in Erob Woreda dug by Italian benefactors

Water-Well (#5) of Kafna in Erob Woreda built by Italian benefactors

Water-Well (#4) of Makata in Erob Woreda built by Italian benefactors

Water-Well (#3) of Dawhan in Erob Woreda built by Italian benefactors

Water-Well (#2) of Weratle in Erob Woreda built by Italian benefactors (the Marco Family)

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