Justice for Tigray

International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global holiday celebrated annually on March 8 as a focal point in the women’s rights movement, bringing attention to issues such as gender equality and violence and abuse against women.

We Tegaru should take this holiday very seriously because we know what happened to sisters and mothers in Tigray, where more than 120,000 women were raped painfully.

We should write a detailed letter to all world leaders to express what happened to the women in Tigray in the twenty-first century and ensure that those criminals are brought to justice.

Our sisters fought for their freedom with guns, and we, as Tegaru diaspora, must support our sisters and mothers on this popular March 8th women’s worldwide holiday.

In this very stressful and critical time, I wish you a happy March 8th for all mothers and sisters
Deqi-Tigray! (Dr. Teka Niguse)

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