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Irob Wereda Project Proposal On Special Technical and Vocational Education & Training and AgroProcessing Industrial Cluster Center (STVET-APICC) In Irob Wereda of Eastern, Tigray, Ethiopia Proposal Developed With Malty- Stakeholders Consultation (IDA, METEC, ECC-SDCOAd & Irob Wereda Administration)


IDA 2008 Report



ናይ ሰለስተ ዓምት ገዛኣይ ትልሚ ማሕበር ልማዓት ኢሮብ

ዋዕላ ፈስቲቫል ወረዳ ኢሮብ – 2006

ደንቢ ማሕበር ልምዓት ኢሮብ

ኣመሰራርታ ማሕበር ልምዓት ኢሮብ

ናይ መጀመሪያ ዓመት ፕሮግራም ትምህርቲን ስኮላርሽፕን ተጠቀምቲ

ናይ ካልኣይ ዓመት ፕሮግራም ትምህርቲን ስኮላርሽፕን ተጠቀምቲ

The Irob Development Association

Irob Scholarship and Educational Support Program


 Yearly Progress Report for the year 2012(2004E.c) 

Adigrat /July 2012


1 Background Introduction

1.1 The Irob Development Association

IDA stands for  Irob Development Association. It is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit association established to help the rehabilitation and sustainable development of the Irob ethnic minority inNorthern Ethiopia- eastern zone of Tigray. It was officially established with the approval of the Tigray Regional Government of Ethiopia on August 2003 in Mekelle, the capital of Tigray. It is an initiative taken by Irob citizens in Mekelle city after realizing the severe deterioration of livelihood of the Irob people at home in the country side followed by the devastating Ethio-Eritrean war and harsh environmental degradation challenging their agriculture-led livelihood. The association is established with ambitious plan of embarking on various interventions. However, due to lack of capacity, it could not aggressively realize its ambitions. Therefore, the Irob Scholarship and Educational Support Program (ISESP) is in line with the dream of the association through its long-term impact in Irob society. Therefore, it is a revitalizing addition to it. 

1.2 Irob Scholarship and Educational Support Program (ISESP)

The Scholarship and Educational support program is decentralized/semi autonomous initiative within IDA (Irob Development Association). It has its stirring committee, its local or administering committee and working guidelines, working plans and fund-raising strategy. It is specially tailored to address the Irob Educational sector which is in a sorry state of performance and therefore failing the generation. Despite its independence, the program will work as integral part of the IDA in principle and it enjoys all the benefits it can get from it since it is legally part and parcel of IDA. Setting it on its own with relatively new approach within the organization is in appreciation of its urgency and long-term benefit for our people.

The program has committee whose members are in different parts of the world andEthiopia. This committee will give direction and create the necessary unity and commitment among Irobs all over the world while searching different opportunity for success of this program. The local committee which includes some members of the committee who may be available locally will have other persons from Irob who might be able to mobilize resources plus administer the resources. However, they are expected to discharge their duties and responsibilities with strict adherence to laid guidelines and in close consultation with the stirring committee. The appointed persons will serve for free unless the all members of the board decides otherwise depending on the resources available and nature of task they may be assigned to do at certain point in time. Therefore, in clear terms, these people are expected to give their free service to the community through serving in this program. The term of their work shall be three years. 

2. General and specific objectives of the ISESP  

2. 1 General Objective

2.2 Specific objectives

3. Yearly planed activities Vs achievement of the program

3.1 In primary and secondary high schools

3.2 Scholarship for undergraduate programs level


Planed budget Vs Expenditure  for ISESP in 2012/2004E.c


Expenditure/bank transfer to beneficiaries to their saving account   





Unit Price

Total Cost

Total Cost


Purchase of Materials          
  Dictionary(yearly 1 dictionary/Student) Number



    15,000.00     15,000.00
  Exercise Books (yearly 12 Exercise books/student) Dozen



    10,800.00     10,800.00
  Pen (yearly 48 pens/student) Number



    10,080.00     10,080.00


Financial support to University Students          
  Ten top University students Number



    36,000.00 Not yet 
  Five top female university students Number



    18,000.00 Not yet 


Financial support to high school students          
  Yearly financial support( for house rent and Suntory material support in Dawhan and Alitena) Number



    40,000.00     40,000.00
 4  Total         129,880.00   75,880.00

Note: So far Budget utilization rate is 58.42%

4 Methodologies employed during implementation and participants

4.1 Methodologies

4.2 Participants and their views:

 5. Challenges

6. Photograph presentation of the May 6, 2012 Event

Weight Loss