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Matin Plaut’s Latest News Post

A very encouraging review of “Understanding Ethiopia’s Tigray War” that Sarah Vaughan and I wrote   

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ሰበር ዜና ንዕርቂ ዘተባብዕ ካልእ ስጉምቲ / ቅዋም ኣዘዝቲ ተመሓይሹ / ዕድል ንሕጋውነት ህወሓት (Tigray Broadcast Service)

Hayet Vision ሓየት ቪዥን Breaking news: ዕልልልልል እንዃዕ ደስ በለና ተዓሪቖም / ኹናት የለን / ናይ ጀነራል ምግበይ ጥንክር ዝበለ መልእኽቲ

Martin Plaut news posts on the Horn of Africa

Grand Renaissance Dam GERD Nile

Did Trump officials attempt to use Ethiopia’s Nile dam to pressurise Egypt over Gaza? 

Ethio Forum latest news updates

Ethio Forum news on current issues in Ethiopia