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These two photos of a concrete-made-Cross, which is found on the top-hill of Medjugorje in today’s Croatia, were taken one by the Reverend Abba Tesfamariam Baraki and another by one of the two American pilgrims (seen at the bottom of the golden-color Cross).  As shown imprinted on the Cross itself, it was built in 933 by the Croatians (or former Yugoslavians) in commemoration of the Nine Hundredth Anniversary of the Lord Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion in 33 A.D. –  apparently when their land was stricken by a severe drought seeking for divine intervention! Medjugorje is a village of pilgrimage where the Blessed Virgin Mary had been appearing to six youths and giving them messages warning our modern world for the many evil things that take place globally.

Some pilgrims who come to Medjugorje from various parts of the world claim to see some sort of extraordinary miraculous signs or to experience some spiritual conversions at this particular site of the Cross and in the Apparition Hill of Medjugorje. Fr. Baraki claims to receive a tiny miracle when the photo of the concrete-cross he took on that site turned into a Golden Cross: when he returned back to Washington, DC (USA) from the pilgrimage and developed the photos taken: as seen here above!

Image may contain: 1 personHe would like to share via the Internet this tiny miracle with the rest of the world on the Feast of Meskel (Holy Cross) wishing all those, who are celebrating the finding and Exaltation of the Holy Cross/Meskel, many blessings that God gives us, as we commemorate and celebrate the redemptive suffering and death of His Son who was crucified and died on the wooden cross to redeem and save the world from the slavery to sin and the dominion of the Evil One!

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