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Asphalt for Erob!


Anyone interested in viewing the topography of the Irobland or Area (located in the Northeastern Zone of the Tigray State, Ethiopia) in breathtakingly detailed Satellite photos by the Google Maps must click on the following Erob Map and the banner, as well as the hyperlinks; and then start surfing through all locations by rolling up and down with a mouth or a finger tip, and zooming in and zooming out!

irob_map1Image may contain: one or more people, mountain, sky, outdoor and nature#ሰኣን #መንገዲ #ዝበፅሕ #ዘሎ #ስቅያት!

ብተስፋይ አብርሀ!

እዚ ትሪኡዎ ዘለኹም ተረግርገን ዘለዋ ናይ ህዝቢ መጓዓዝያ ካብ ማእከል ወረዳ ኢሮብ ከተማ ዳውሓን ህዝቢ ኣሳፊረን ንዓዲግራት ንዕዳጋን ካልእ ዋንኑን ዝጓዓዙ ተጉዓዝቲ ሕዘን ኣብዚ እትሪኡዎ ዘለኹም ካብ ወረዳ ኢሮብ ናብ ጉለመካዳ ወረዳ ጣቢያ ሰበያ ፍሉይ ቦታ ሰስሓይቶ ከባቢ ከምቲ እትርኡዎ ዘለኹም ንሰዓታት ተረግርገን ይርከባ።

እንታይ ዓይነት ስቃይ ከምዝኾነ ንምዕዛብ ቀሊል እዩ። ተጉዓዝቲ ተጉላእልኦም ሰብ ንብረት ንብረቶም ንሓደጋ ተሳጥሑ ኩሉ ኣብ ስቃይ ይርከብ። እዚ ከባቢ ካብዛ ንሪኣ ካብ ዘለና መንገዲ ወፃኢ ምንም ተለዋጢ መንገዲ የብላን። ከምታ ኣብ ታሕቲ ኣብቲ ፍቶ ከም እንሪኦ ዘለና ካብቲን ናብቲን መንገዲ ንሰዓታት መዓልታዊ ይዕፆ። እቲ ዘሕዝንን ዘፍርሕን ድማ ንግዚኡ እውን ይኹን ፅገና እናገበረ ሓገዝ ዝህብ የለን። ክትሓስቦ ከለኻ ብጣዕሚ ዘሰክፍ እዩ። በዚ ሰዓት ኣምቡላንስ ብጣዕሚ ብብርቱዕ ዝሓመመ ሕሙም ወይ ድማ ሪፈር ዝተብሓለት ብህፁፅ ክትበፅሕ ዝግበኣ ወላድ ሕዛ እንተትመፅእ እቲ ክበፅሕ ዝኽእል ሓደጋ ንማንም ግልፂ እዩ። ሰብ ንብረት ድማ እዚ ንብረቶም ንሓደጋ ኣሳጢሑ ንኽሳራ ዝዳሪጎም ዘሎ መንገዲ ብምርኣይ ተኣዝዞም እንተዘይኾይኑ ኣብዚ ከባቢ ክሰርሑ ክሰርሑ ኣይተባበዑን።

ስለዚህ ካብ ዓዲግራት ናብ ወረዳ ኢሮብ ናይ #ኣስፋልት #መንገዲ የድሊ እልና ክነእዊ ከለና ንሃልኪ ዘይኮነስ እዚ ክንዲ ግዛዕ ዝኸውን ዝፈጠጠ ሓደጋ ኣብ ግምት ኣእቲና እምበር ህርፋን ጥርዓንን ኣውያትን ስለዘና ኣይኮነን።
#ሰኣን #መንገዲ #ዝበፅሕ #ዘሎ #ስቅያት! ኣብዚ ከባቢ ናይዝምልከቶ እኹል ትኩረት ዝተነፍገ ህፁፅ ፍታሕ እንተዘይረኽቡ ከቢድ ቅልውላው ከምዘስዕብ ኣይንጠራጠር። (Source: Facebook)

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The Irob people of the Erob Woreda have been constantly asking for years for improved and paved (laid with asphalt) roads for their District. Sadly, however, to this day,  neither the Ethiopian Federal Government nor the Regional Government of Tigray has positively responded to meeting their desperate needs for roads improvement in the Woreda! If there are fairness, justice and equality among or for all ethnic minorities in the Federal Ethiopia, it is time to respond positively to the dire request of the Irob people of the Erob (Irob) Woreda without any unnecessary delays!


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